你知道吗?? 关于bwin体育历史的五个有趣的事实-bwin体育bwin体育-bwin体育

你知道吗?? 关于bwin体育历史的五件趣事

你知道吗? 关于bwin体育历史的五件趣事

You’re in American History and your professor asks a question.  话还没说完, 你举起手来, 确信自己掌握了相关信息.  等一下, you realize your grave mistake; instead of the expected an inquiry on the civil war, 她问了一个关于bwin体育历史的问题.  你希望你能把手放下来,但是已经太迟了.  她叫你的名字,永远结束你的尴尬.  但不要再受辱了!  Here are five fun facts of Geneva’s history that may even stump your teacher:

  1. 龙卷风警告!

“One, two, three; Golden Tornadoes!”  This is the cry that rings from every sports team across campus.  但是“黄金龙卷风”这个名字是从哪里来的呢?  自1881年建成以来, Old Main stood peaceful and majestically on the slopes of Geneva’s campus.  不幸的是, 33年后, the building’s peaceful demeanor was changed in an instant to a weather beaten catastrophe.   In 1914, 龙卷风席卷了校园, ripping off Old Main’s golden-shingled roof and giving origin to the name “Golden Tornadoes” in Geneva’s history.  Little did anyone know that a small catastrophe could lead to such a large legacy for future generations.

  1. 音乐之路

Left, right, left; you check for traffic before you cross the busy road.  现在, 作为校友, 20年后, 你回到了同样的位置, 快速浏览交通状况, 不要再困惑了.  路已经走了.  最初, 18号公路右拐穿过校园, 限制bwin体育,危害学生.  In 2007, the road was finally straightened to where it rests today.  现在, students can walk freely without fear of what lies beyond the bend.

  1. 我有哪些选择? 语法?

生物学, 沟通, 心理学, 业务, 工程, 教育, Student Ministry – these majors are only a few of the numerous majors and programs that Geneva offers students in preparation for their future vocations.  However, if you attended Geneva in 1848, your options would have been rather limited.  4月20日, 1848, bwin体育大学, 前身为bwin体育大厅, 刚开始的时候只是一所文法学校.  Established by the Reformed Presbyterian Presbytery of the Lakes in the village of Northwood, John Black Johnston opened the school in the tradition of John Calvin.  只有42名学生, 这所小小的bwin体育注定要成就一番事业, 在169年的时间里扩大到1,700名学生,40多个专业和项目.

  1. 不是第一个

“火! 火! 拯救你们自己,抓住细菌!“好吧, this might not have been the exact cry for help as the original Science Hall burned to the ground, 但它可能很接近.  不过, 科学与工程大楼, 坐落在bwin体育校园的山坡上, 事实上不是原作吗.  The first Science Hall, built in 1897 by Johnston, was burned to the ground in 1912.  在剩下的地基上, the building was reconstructed and later expanded to become the current Science and 工程 building with its twisting pathways, 无尽的楼梯, 还有无数的出入口.  Fortunately, these entrances and exits are the perfect escape for any future fire emergencies.

  1. 大学篮球的发源地

这是1892年一个寒冷的下雪天.  Football season is over, but the men’s athletic drives still surge high.  Little did they know that a year earlier James Naismith invented a game perfect for those dreary winter months – basketball.  In February of 1892, the first college basketball game was played intramurally by Geneva students.  一年后, 4月8日, 1893, Geneva played its first official game of college basketball against the New Brighton YMCA, 赢得3 - 0.  现在, the game is played nationwide, but its origins are not forgotten.  In 2010, 詹姆斯·奈史密斯的孙子, 伊恩·奈史密斯, 参观bwin体育bwin体育, the place where his grandfather’s game started to become great, 大学篮球的发源地.

现在,你准备好了.  你对bwin体育有很深的了解, 你可以昂首阔步地回到课堂.  但是不要太自信.  这并不是bwin体育的全部历史.  I guess you’ll just have to check back soon for five more Geneva facts that will broaden your base of knowledge, 增强你的信心, and give you a love for the school you are learning to call home.

有关bwin体育历史的更多信息, stop into McCartney library and check out the wealth of Geneva history available through print.  谁知道?  你可能会成为下一个bwin体育历史学家.


——olivia Forton, 19岁

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